
Wallet Balances

Return details of your current wallet funds.

SMS Expert provides 2 wallets: 1) bulk sms funds and 2) keywords.

The bulk sms fund is a monetary amount in UK Sterling and shows the total you have ever bought plus the amount you have spent to date; therefore the current amount remaining is calculated by deducting the amount sent from the total bought.

The keyword wallet shows the number of keywords you can still register.
https/post callhttps://secure.itagg.com/smsg/plat_wallet.mes
parameters$usr, $pwd [as supplied during account signup]
API responsesSee keyword tool response codes page
in a browserPaste the example into your browser & modify the parameters

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Wallet Balances
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Keyword Tools
Keyword availability
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Set keyword forwarding

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Renew keyword
Delete keyword
Replace keyword

Tool response codes